
Monday, January 24, 2022

Flower shoes, beauty with a million profits

Does anyone know the flowers of shoes?This beautiful flower, often encountered as an ornamental plant in the garden of our home, is a custom plant Malvaceae Originated in East Asia. This beautiful hibiscus flower has five large petals, protruding stems and finally pollen. It's not exactly like shoes, but it's called a hibiscus flower because it was used as a shoe polisher in India...

Did you know that there are many benefits to shoe flowers, not just shoe shine? Check out the discussion about shoe flowers below!

Benefits of hibiscus flowers for the treatment of diabetes

Hibiscus flowers treat diabetesflickr.com

According to the research results published in Biochemical and biophysical research communication, Compounds contained in hibiscus flowers can restore insulin sensitivity and control diabetes. Ferulic acid is one of the polyphenols found in hibiscus flowers and plays a role in the treatment of diabetes.

Hibiscus flowers for fever, flu, malaria

Hibiscus Flower Treatment Flutwitter.com

Hibiscus contains antioxidants that help prevent free radicals that cause a variety of illnesses. Hibiscus leaves are commonly used as antipyretics, and boiling water is drinkable. It is also used as a compress and bandage for the whole body. The boiling water of this hibiscus leaf is very effective in reducing heat in both children and adults.

Hibiscus flowers can treat ulcerative pain

Flower treatment thrush of shoesbiomarina.sk

Hibiscus leaves are effective in treating mouth ulcers, as well as controlling diabetes and relieving fever. Prepare hibiscus water, rinse your mouth and use regularly. It is believed to reduce the pain of ulcerative stomatitis. Thrush gradually improves thanks to the flower leaves of the shoes and disappears naturally.

Hibiscus Flower Effectiveness for Weight Loss

Shoe flowers lose weightmavcure.com

Everyone must have longed for the ideal figure. However, unhealthy dietary patterns fill our body with fat and cause obesity. The antioxidant content of hibiscus flowers helps to get rid of toxins and fats in our body. You do this by consuming Hibiscus tea on a regular basis. Hibiscus flower tea is believed to lose weight.

Hibiscus flowers help Premenstrual syndrome

Flowers-Shoes-Treatment-Menstrual painBenefits of buahalami.com

Premenstrual syndrome Or commonly referred to as PMS, it is a problem that every woman experiences before menstruation. The occurrence of very extreme hormonal changes can make you feel sullen. At this stage, women tend to be emotional and frustrated. You can feel calm by drinking hot tea from the hibiscus stew.

Apart from its main advantages as an ornamental plant, hibiscus flowers have been found to be very useful for hair health and beauty, such as overcoming hair loss and stimulating hair growth.

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Source : https://www.dekoruma.com/artikel/70687/manfaat-bunga-sepatu

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