
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Smart mother, 7 beds make your child a little more friendly!

Bunk beds are commonly used in small bedrooms to save space and allow two people to fill a room. But behind this main feature is that bunk beds can make your child more familiar. why? They are in the same room, so they can chat and talk to each other and sleep. Even if you wake up in the morning, the first thing you see is your brother or sister.

Try the next 7 bunk beds to make your child more accessible and your room more attractive!

1. Homemade bunk bed

House style bunk bed
Bunk bed model

Your child will often play at home in his room. Try using a home bunk bed like this to make it feel more realistic. The top has a roof and windows. The material is wood, so it feels like you are on the edge of the city. Oh yeah, the area is so closed that the kids sleeping on top will also get more privacy.

2. Bunk bed with shelves

Bunk bed with shelves

As a kid, your child loves to collect various toys and read books. Use bunk beds with bookshelves and toys to keep your room clean and playable with you.

Tell them to put the items back on the existing shelves when they're done while playing. The wide stairs are safe for children.

3. Bunk bed for 4 siblings

4 bunk beds

Bunk beds are common. How about a bunk bed for four siblings at a time? This should be exciting, your kid can chat until it's happy all night. This bunk bed for 4 siblings Built-in And it's permanent. The stairs are in the middle. On the other hand, there is a storage drawer at the bottom of the bunk bed.

All four of us sleep in one room, but all our children have privacy because of the dividers. Add additional lights to the wall so your child can read and relax even when the main light is off.

4. Bunk bed ara princess

Princess bunk bed

Have you ever seen a royal bed with mosquito nets and tall pillars? It turns out that such a model can also be made into a bunk bed. If your daughter likes to read fairy tales and watch animations about the kingdom, you should use this bunk bed. The stairs are as wide as the stairs entering the palace, and the beds have curtains and mosquito nets.

5. Minimalist style bunk bed

Minimalist style bunk bed

Want something easier? If so, you should consider this minimalist level bed. This bed design is equipped with a small ladder and trellis to prevent your child from tipping over while sleeping. Simple but made of iron, this minimalist bunk bed can support your child's weight.

6. Bunk bed double sofa

Bunk bed with sofa

Next, there is a bunk bed with a sitting area next to it. The bed area itself is quite dark, so this area can be used for reading and playing.The edge of the bed can also be used as a shelf display Your little person's collection.

7. Bed level is angled

Angled bunk bed

This last bunk bed design is right-angled, which saves more space, especially if the room has three children at the same time. Two beds at the bottom and one sleeper at the top. The bright colors will excite your child when you wake up later.

In addition to the bunk bed design, pay attention to safety so that your child can sleep comfortably.

Now, if you're looking for bunk beds, Decorma offers a variety of the latest models of bunk beds. Not only that, Decorma also sells furniture such as hangers and display shelves. What are you waiting for Now complete all the needs of your home with Decorma!

Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/81008/ranjang-tingkat-bikin-akrab

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