
Monday, January 24, 2022

How to free yourself from the joy of missing and the anxiety of following trends

The demand to stay productive afflicts us every day. Our way of life is to do as much as we can as soon as possible. Relaxing is a sin to avoid. We need to be more active in exploring new things. Live only once..

German sociologist Gerharld Schulze said this requirement is inherent in everyday social culture.He gave the term Experience society For a modern society that hangs hope and happiness in what is called experience.

A man holding his head when presented with a watch, tablet, smartphone, paper with tableShutterstock.com

In fact, we can't devour all the information that doesn't stop milling on our sophisticated devices. I don't even have time to read a book solemnly. It is very difficult to acquire new skills in such a short time, so learning new things requires the courage to fight ignorance.

no problem, Anyways, It's better to do it than to regret having done something you might regret.

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This idea is dire and leads to depression and excessive anxiety for those who cannot live up to these expectations. This phobic symptom is FOMO (FOMOMOFOMO).

Studies show Correlation of overlooked fear motivation, emotions, and behavior Work of a psychologist at the University of Essex, FOMO is the anxiety that surrounds people as a result of the feeling of being left behind from what has just happened.

The results of the study found that relevance, low levels of life satisfaction, and self-confidence in self-ability make people more susceptible to FOMO.

Socialization through various social mediaShutterstock.com

This obstacle is increasingly associated with the Internet age, where conditions that indicate our helplessness appear on social media but do not stop consuming.

Our digital presence keeps us hooked on many things. I don't want to miss the posts of various political uproar. Meme Tickling nosy, moderate hangout hitAnd the enviable holiday photos of my friends.

Woman looking at a smartphone on mrtShutterstock.com

The phenomenon of sticking to gadgets and social media also occurs in the work environment. According to a survey conducted by LinkedIn, 70% of workers tend to stay connected to work on holidays.

You can't stop watching chat, email, and social media apps to keep an eye on your work progress. This habit does not seem to enjoy the small moments we have enough.

Woman holding a forehead and looking at a laptop on the couchShutterstock.com

However, the anxiety and addiction caused by FOMO does not mean that it does not have the drug. Missed joy (JOMO) is an antithesis that invites us to find a more meaningful essence of life.

If FOMO makes us feel endlessly pursued by trends, expectations, and life comparisons with others, JOMO allows us to move at a slow pace and all digital. Immerse yourself in the tranquility that accompanies disconnecting yourself from the connection. We are even allowed to drink joy by doing nothing.

Card with the digital detox alphabet Shutterstock.com

Experience society This place, called Schulze, positions experience as a source of joy. At JOMO, joy really comes from feelings left behind and unproductive activities. When we exist to fully enjoy the moment without being obsessed with what is outside of us, we have more time and energy to focus on recognizing our essential needs. I'm waiting.

To Psychology todayDr. Kristen Fuller, MD, a clinical depression therapist, explains practical ways to apply JOMO to everyday life. JOMO emphasized how important it is not only to spend time pondering, but also to train oneself to say "no" to anything outside the priority list.


Fuller straightens things even more when it comes to avoiding ourselves from what's happening around us. JOMO is actually a practice of self-management for attachment. JOMO does not have to be 100% independent of your social media connection, but you can set a limit on the amount of time you use social media each day.

Apart from that, you can also organize the information in the social media timeline. We reserve the right to stop following your account, which may cause FOMO confusion.

Hijab woman sitting on the couch and drinking teaShutterstock.com

Guilt often surrounds when implementing JOMO. For Fuller, this doesn't have to be a concern.

Breaking connections from superficial friendships on social media or missing ridiculous moments being discussed in cyberspace is better than disconnecting and losing time with the people closest to you. Because it is. Increasing time spent with family is also part of JOMO's practice.

Two women chatting on the couch with a cupShutterstock.com

JOMO is slowly and freely replacing the fear of backwardness and guilt. When we are freed from the expectations of both ourselves and others, we can get rid of negative emotions and change our view of the annoyed demands for productivity.

People are not always determined by what they do, but by what they do not. JOMO should be applied not just as a lifestyle, but as an art of life that brings peace of mind.

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