10 most powerful sports exercises to shrink your belly
For women, slimming their belly is a dream to increase their confidence. But in reality, excess fat causes the stomach to swell. Exercise at home seems to be the solution, given the difficulty of finding time to go to the gym.
It's useless if you're running a healthy lifestyle, but it doesn't involve an exercise session at home. So how do you lose belly fat by exercising at home?
Before exercising, wear comfortable clothes and prepare a yoga mat or base to get hungry. Choose a bright place where you can move freely when doing a series of sports to get hungry, such as an open backyard garden or room. Finally, this home exercise burns tummy fat for 10 minutes, so provide plenty of drinking water.
The exercise routine has 10 steps to contract the stomach with a duration of 50 seconds per movement. When changing movement, rest for about 10 seconds. Let's start!
Flutter foot
On the yoga mat, place your body on your back and touch your back to the mat. Lift your legs alternately from top to bottom. To maximize your abdominal fat burning with this exercise, do not touch your feet to the mat or tighten your abdominal muscles.
Leg Raise
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This time, you need to lift both feet at the same time. Lower your feet slowly, but do not touch the mat. If you disagree with this exercise to get hungry, place your palms behind your buttocks to help your legs rise.
River crunch
rear Leg Raise, Push both feet as far back as possible to continue the hungry sports exercise. at a glance, roll Back but not perfect. Do not let your feet touch the mat even if you are tired.
Mountain climber twist
Place your body in posture Full plank, Straight arms support your weight and your legs straight back. Bend your legs toward your chest and turn them inward. For example, bend your left foot and turn it to the right. The reverse is also true. You don't have to hurry. Don't forget to do this slow stomach contraction and tighten your abs.Make sure your back and buttocks are aligned for your posture Board correct.
Plank jack
This one home sports exercise is a combination Full plank And Jumping jack.. Since you are in the same position as your previous home exercise movement, jump a little and keep your legs wide. Be careful not to bend your back and buttocks.
Extension crunch
Sit down and put your hands on the mat. Straighten and bend your legs, but do not drop them on the mat. At this stage of the stomach contraction exercise, the stomach muscles feel very hot. However, this reduces fat and makes the stomach slimmer.
Plank hop
If Plank jack You need to open and close your legs in a straight position. Board hop Made from Full plank In a crouching position.. Get in place Full plank..Jump and pull your foot to the squat position.. Repeat this exercise to contract the stomach for as much as 50 seconds.
Bicycle crunch
Return to your sleeping position and place your hands behind your head. Bend your left foot and make sure your right foot is straight and floating. Align your right elbow with your left foot. vice versa.Why is this exercise that contracts the stomach called? Bicycle crunch??The movement is similar to your movement on a bicycle, but the movement is mixed Chew Where the body is bent against the abdominal muscles.
Half plank
Difference from Full plank, You need to bend your arms. Your body should be level and should not rise. Hold it in that position for as long as possible. This exercise exercise, which contracts the stomach, which may be very tired, trains the abdominal muscles to hold your weight.
High knee
This home exercise movement is like running in place, but you need to lift your legs as high as possible in a bent position and move as fast as possible.
For better health and lean, lean stomach, these 10 home exercises that contract the stomach should be done regularly and balanced with healthy foods.use Stopwatch Or check the time on the wall or table clock. Remember to tighten your abs while doing this stomach-shrinking exercise. Happy exercise!
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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/80850/olahraga-di-rumah-selama-sepuluh-menit
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